Last Updated on June 29, 2022 by Rebecca Huff
This post is dedicated to all my family members who have served in the military.
How to Celebrate Veteran's Day
Take time to connect. If you have a veteran in your family call them, write them, go see them, hug them! Whatever you do express your love for your vet! Spend time with veterans all year long, not just on holidays!
Express thanks to any veteran you see. When you see someone in uniform especially. There are a lot of really tough aspects of serving in the military.
Perform a random act of kindness if possible.
Ask a veteran about his or her service. Let them tell you their stories.
Take time to educate your children. Let them know that Veterans Day celebrates all members of the military. Past, present, and future, during war and peace times. Explain the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day, as Memorial Day is when we commemorate specifically those who died while serving, especially those who died in combat.
Donate to a military cause.
Visit a military hospital or VA hospital.
Participate in an event. Not just a family picnic or fun activity, but something that truly celebrates veterans.
Pray for veterans. The ones you know and the ones you don't know.
If you are a vet or want to thank a vet you know, please do so in the comments below! Share this post!
Special thanks to my Dad, my Father in Law, my cousin Dirk (who influenced me to join the USAF), my daughter and many many friends who served with me, before me and after me! You are what makes this country great. Love you all!